Top 10k strings from Trans-Express (1984)(Romantic Robot UK)[a].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   7 ROMANTIC ROBOT 1984  "
   7 ;"     TRANS-EXPRESS      ";
   3 ;"Loading":
   2 {Pressing BREAK, CAPS SHIFT and btogether lets you exit to BASIC
   2 ransfer   
   2 into Microdrive 1 & 
   2 elete     
   2 back-up   
   2 Transferring 
   2 Transfer to Microdrive 
   2 Stop the tape
   2 SEC  LEN  T NAME 
   2 Microdrive full 
   2 Insert original cartridge       
   2 ;"The first sector of a file":
   2 ;"PART  :";
   2 ;"Memory left":
   2 ;"LOADING":
   2 ;"File type":
   2 ;"File name":
   2 ;"File length":
   2 ;"Cartridge name":
   2 5         
   2 3         
   2 "SEC  LEN  T NAME 
   2  Press a number...(1-5)...B
   2   FOR 48K SPECTRUM":
   1 ~You can transfer selected  filesor an entire cartridge
   1 ~When loading/saving  you can seethe type of current program withits name,length & either address(in m/c)  or  self-starting linein basic
   1 ~Use  TRANS-EXPRESS  to  transferyour  programs  as desired, thenswitch the  SPECTRUM  off and onor press BREAK, CAPS SHIFT and btogether & load  the transferredprograms in the usual way
   1 ~There are various error-trappingroutines & tests
   1 ~TRANS-EXPRESS  loads, modifies &transfers each part separately
   1 ~Saving is continuos and programscan be re-saved (by pressing y)
   1 ~Example:  if the name of programis ROMANTIC & has  seven  parts,the first will remain unchanged,the  second  will be ROMANTIC 1,the third ROMANTIC 2, etc
   1 }}Pressing BREAK, CAPS SHIFT and btogether lets you exit to BASIC
   1 }The catalogue displays cartridgename, remaining memory, and fileposition - its 1st sector numberlength - rounded to .5K with 0.0         marking  corrupted filetype - B=Basic, C=Code, $=string       array, N=numeric array}       D=Datafile}name - inverse letters showing         hexadecimal numbers of          unprintable characters
   1 }If in doubt, consult the  ownersof the copyright of a particularprogram you'd like to transfer
   1 }Entire  cartridge is transferredby pressing t - provided there'snot a single file selected, elsethe file(s) will be transferred
   1 }********************************{TRANS-EXPRESS  must  not be usedto infringe copyright laws
   1 |TRANS-EXPRESS  has five separateparts
   1 |TAPE TO TAPE is self-explanatory& little has to be added to it
   1 |TAPE TO MICRODRIVE transfers andmodifies programs of any length
   1 |MICRODRIVE TO TAPE is meant as aback-up  facility  for cartridgefiles
   1 {You can stop  saving by pressingBREAK and either save again fromthe start or go to loading mode
   1 {You can see  the name of programbeing  loaded from tape and onlyyou will know if it is the firstpart of a  program or one of itsfurther parts
   1 {You can abort at any  stage & goa step backwards until you reachthe start of the program
   1 {When carefully used, the erasingfacility can be very handy - youcan select files to be erased asif they are to be transferred, &by transferring them on the samecartridge you can erase them
   1 {Unlike  TAPE  TO  MICRODRIVE  itdoes not modify files and purelytransfers them to tape one afteranother up to the length of 34k
   1 {To select (or delete) files movethe cursor - using keys 6 or 7 -next to a file to be transferred& press s.  The file sector willflash & file will be  added to alist of selected files which canbe seen by pressing t.  Selectedfile(s) can be deleted  from thelist by pressing d
   1 {To load directly find the properstart of a part & use LOAD "" orLOAD "1","2", etc
   1 {There is an option to  erase andoverwrite existing files
   1 {The name will not be exactly thesame: the last character will bean index number
   1 {Tape loading errors are shown onheaders only
   1 {TAPE TO TAPE  carries on loadingtill you BREAK or exhaust memorywhen it goes to saving mode
   1 {TAPE TO MICRODRIVE always checksavailable space on cartridge andprevents you from using names ofalready existing files by eithererasing the old ones or renamingthe new ones
   1 {Stop the tape when this happens,as the part is ready to be used
   1 {Some programs are  unfortunatelyimpossible to run from m'drives,in which case  TRANS-EXPRESS cannot possibly help
   1 {Selected  files  are transferredin the order of selection and ifroom on back-up cartridge allowsplaced consecutively to speed uploading of multi-part programs
   1 {Same sequence  must  be achievedwhen loading from microdrive andeach part  must  have  its name
   1 {SUPERTRANS  follows TAPE TO TAPE& can be used to transfer multi-part programs too, but you couldfind it much less user-friendly
   1 {Programs on  this  side  are notsuitable for 16K SPECTRUM
   1 {Programs  stored  on tape can betransferred  back to microdriveswith TAPE TO MICRODRIVE program
   1 {Nearly  everything  is performedautomatically - in fact you willonly be  required to  PLAY, STOPor REWIND tape, insert cartridgeand press y/n in a few cases
   1 {Most  SPECTRUM  programs consistof several parts that are loadedin a given sequence from tape
   1 {MICRODRIVE TO TAPE  instructionsare otherwise nearly the same asfor MICRODRIVE TO MICRODRIVE
   1 {Longer  programs  can usually betransferred in two sections
   1 {It is good practice to have tapeback-ups of your cartridge filesbecause of reliability  problemswith microdrives
   1 {Instructions, list  of  commandsor current operation are  alwaysshown at the bottom of screen
   1 {If you  BREAK  or exhaust memoryduring  loading & the part beingloaded is left incomplete & thusdefective, it will automaticallybe removed both from the displayand from the memory
   1 {If a single part exceeds the 40klimit, please use SUPERTRANS fortransferring
   1 {Following on-screen instructionsyou can transfer  programs  withall their  parts  continuosly upto the  overall  length  of 40k
   1 {Cartridge files are displayed ina full catalogue, which can alsobe copied to a printer
   1 {BREAK  will abort at any stage &take you a step  backwards untilyou  eventually come back to thestart
   1 {All parts autostart upon loadingby showing instructions, such as{Play the tape to be transferred
   1 {********************************{ROMANTIC ROBOT hopes you'll findTRANS-EXPRESS  useful & friendly& wishes you good luck
   1 rint"+("       
   1 ress a number...(1-5)... PrC
   1 o to start loading."
   1 f$=" Press a number...(1-5)...":
   1 es to save again or"
   1 enu       
   1 cartridge & 
   1 c)+("                "
   1 already exists. Overwrite?  >
   1 already exists. Overwrite? 
   1 a$=" Press a number...(1-5)...":
   1 a$(a)="|"):
   1 You played:
   1 The actual length is shown afterloading in the following line
   1 Tape loading error. Rewind. 
   1 TRANS-EXPRESS takes care of it
   1 TRANS 48/55
   1 TRANS 459=
   1 TRANS 459 
   1 Start back-up tape & press 
   1 SEEKING:  
   1 SAVE again?
   1 Rewind tape to the beginning of 
   1 Renamed:  !
   1 Play the tape to be transferred     (BREAK to SAVE or abort)
   1 Play the tape to be transferred 
   1 Out of memory.
   1 MICRODRIVE  TO  MICRODRIVE  willtransfer any file of any  lengthusing one or two m'drives
   1 Headerless
   1 First part of program?
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 BNum. array:  !
   1 Anonymous?
   1 ;"m'drive "
   1 ;"does not display any messages."
   1 ;"and can only show garbage."
   1 ;"You can transfer up to 48.4k."
   1 ;"Type of program":
   1 ;"The screen is used as a buffer";
   1 ;"Tape to        "
   1 ;"TAPE TO TAPE";
   1 ;"TAPE TO TAPE program except it";
   1 ;"Space on cartridge":
   1 ;"Renamed for cartridge"
   1 ;"Program:"
   1 ;"Program name on tape":
   1 ;"Program length":
   1 ;"Loading:"
   1 ;"Load when the screen is clear,"
   1 ;"It is nevertheless easy to use";
   1 ;"GENERAL"
   1 ;"Current operation":
   1 ;"   TAPE TO MICRODRIVE   ":
   1 ;"   MICRODRIVE TO TAPE   ":
   1 ;"      TAPE TO TAPE      ":
   1 ;"       SUPERTRANS       ":
   1 ;"          " 
   1 ;"          "
   1 4         I
   1 4         
   1 2         4
   1 2         
   1 1         I
   1 1         
   1 (BREAK to abort) Start back-up tape & press 
   1 (BREAK to abort) :
   1 ''" is shown. Then stop this tape,  replace it by a program to be   transferred & play it straight  away without pressing any key."  
   1 ''" Leave this tape running until   the screen clears and message"
   1 '"Play the tape to be transferred     (BREAK to SAVE or abort)",
   1 " When the loading of the whole   program is over BREAK to SAVE."''" Use SUPERTRANS for parts over   40K long."
   1  when loading is over &";
   1  to save. When save ends"
   1  to abort)";
   1  to abort) !
   1  is  identical  with";
   1  You're asked thisquestion with each loaded part &please answer correctly
   1  When itis the first part you can renamethe program
   1  They can be loaded eitherby pressing the  part  number inthe  opening  menu & leaving thetape running, or by locating thepart you seek  (tape counter?) &loading it directly
   1  Therecan also be other indexes like Hfor headerless part or 0,X,Y forparts helping to run programs
   1  The 2nd one calledSUPERTRANS  follows TAPE TO TAPE& can be loaded directly only
   1  Press a number...(1-5)... C
   1  Parts  longer than  39k  will betransferred in two sections
   1  It is a simplifiedversion of TAPE TO TAPE strippedof any messages so that it couldtransfer up to 48.4k
   1  If an error occursin the data that follows or in aheaderless program, loading willstop & the part  recorded  up tothe error taken as finished
   1  Cartridges arechecked if there is enough  roomleft & if there are not files ofthe same name
   1  1         
   1   The information comesfrom the header & can be  false
   1   Its name will thenbe given to all following  partscoming  from tape for as long asyou press n after  each loading
   1     Part 3 hastwo versions